This is the average time that an adult spends looking at a screen every day.

1 day 16 hours

Is how much time you’d have if for forty days you spent an hour less on your phone.

What is your relationship with your phone? Do you feel that you spend too much time looking at a screen? Are social media a burden or a joy?

Lent is traditionally a time when we give things up. Instead of fasting from food this Lent we invite you to undertake a digital fast, a moment to unplug from the constant connectivity of our busy lives and to re-connect with the world and people around us. The invitation is open to everyone regardless of faith.

For this Digital Fast, over forty days from 5 March - 17 April, we offer an opportunity to hit the pause button and take stock of how we spend our time or resources. As well as your own voluntary commitments, we will be gathering for weekly ‘Fast Friends’ sessions to reflect on our progress and build a community.


Think about what might be helpful for you. These are voluntary and should be constructive and mindful and not punitive! We have written some examples below, but there are many more!

    • Charge your phone away from next to your bed.

    • Get an alarm clock rather than use your phone.

    • Don’t use your phone until after breakfast.

    • Adjust the screen time settings on your phone.

    • Store it away in another room when working.

    • Turn off as many notifications as you can.

    • Work on a task requiring concentration for an hour before opening your emails.

    • Plan your day before you dive into the inbox.

    • Set aside a set time to respond to emails.

    • Unsubscribe from unecessary email newsletters from shops.

    • Go speak to someone in person rather than send an email.

    • Delete social media apps off your phone, or set a time limit.

    • Set time limits for certain types of apps (dating apps, social media, video sites).

    • Reflect on whether you are prone to ‘doomscrolling’.

    • Look at your screentime statistics and decide on an amount of time to replace with another activity: reading, walking. writing, painting etc.

    • Organise in-person gatherings with friends you only message.

    • Send a nice message to someone rather than sharing a funny video.

    • Set limits on how much time you spend browsing the web. Perhaps limit to a certain amount of time a day, or a day a week.

    • Read something new, burst out of your bubble. Read a newspaper or a book.

    • Don’t just give up something, try something new.

    • Read a whole novel, or a newspaper, go see a film or a play. Meet friends you haven’t seen in awhile.

2. make a record of your commitments.

To help you be accountable to yourself you can use the form linked below to record your commitments. Or write yourself a letter to open at the end of the fourty days. Will future you be happy with how you did?!

3. join in. we will be meeting other ‘fast friends’ through digital lent to share our experiences.

We also invite you to commit in some tangible way to what you will do in place of these digital habits. How might you incorporate time with others in person, being present to your body, and attending to the physicality of this place? You may like to take time to walk or spend time in nature or with others.

As part of the programme there will be weekly opportunities to gather, check in, and share practices of re-grounding ourselves (things like reading poetry aloud and contemplative prayer and meditation), and to explore together how we want to re-engage with our digital lives once Lent is over. There will also be opportunities to spend time in silent prayer before our services of said compline.

  • Decide on your Digital Fast commitments.

    14 February – Ash Wednesday Eucharist 6 pm.

    18 February – Evensong 6 pm.

  • 21 February – Fast Friends Group 7-8:15pm, Dean’s Room (C Staircase, Room 2); Sung Compline 9pm.

    22 February – Eucharist 6 pm.

    25 February – Evensong 6 pm.

  • 28 February – Fast Friends Group 7-8:15pm, Dean’s Room (C Staircase, Room 2); followed by Silent prayer / meditation in the chapel before Compline at 9 pm.

    29 February – Eucharist

    3 March – Evensong

  • 6 March – Fast Friends Group 7-8:15pm, Dean’s Room (C Staircase, Room 2); Sung Compline at 9 pm.

    7 March – Eucharist

    10 March – Evensong

  • 13 March – Fast Friends Group 7-8:15pm, Dean’s Room (C Staircase, Room 2); followed by silent prayer/ medidation followed by Compline at 9 pm.

    14 March - Eucharist